JJ Sefton writes: What is happening in France is for sure heading our way, if the summer of 2020 wasn't the first wave of this to begin with. A big difference between France and here is that the government over there is prepared to deal with this, while over here the rioting is being egged on and supported by the government as a tool of political repression: i.e. 'anarcho-terrorism.'"
Over here, during our BLM riots, we had a teenager, Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin, fighting back, but that's about it. He had worked as a life guard.
Rittenhouse was prosecuted but won. Our government will come down hard on you if you defy the party line.
It has always been young men like Rittenhouse who fight for our freedom. The National Museum of History describes George Washington's army:
Thousands of men were joining the Continental Army: they were young and mostly poor farmers, fishermen, and artisans; some were Africans. All were volunteers and many joined for the cash bounty. Some were veterans of the French and Indian War, but most had no idea of what they were getting into.
As farm boys working dawn to dusk, they would be in good shape, and they would care about out country. Daniel McCarthy writes: "Americans knew how to shoot, they could organize themselves on the battlefield and were prepared for the privations of war. Body and spirit, they were ready to fight until they won."
Few Americans of military age are ready today, he continues. "A Wall Street Journal report notes that, per the Defense Department, 77% of American youth are 'disqualified from military service due to a lack of physical fitness, low test scores, criminal records including drug use or other problems.'"
So, where will get such men?
~ Wallace