In Burbank CA the mayor was filmed getting spanked by a drag queen at a fundraiser for a Democratic senate candidate.
The veteran journalist Don Surber comments:
It is difficult to imagine this now, but Russia was once one of the most Christian nations in the world. The churches and cathedrals were beautiful. The services were spectacular. The first thing Stalin did was raze churches. Christianity is the biggest danger to tyranny because it gives the oppressed hope.
Christians founded what we now call the United States. England didn’t want them and they didn’t want England. And so they were exiled thousands of miles away to a land that took two months to reach by boat.
They tamed and cleared a wilderness. The Christians built this nation into the greatest land of all. It took them only 300 or so years.
Satan has taken over just about every institution in the country that matters. Even churches now work for him, if unwittingly. We can call it communism or fascism but the only name that fits is Satanism.
How else do you describe a political movement based on pedophilia and the mutilation of children through hormone blockers and butchery on the surgeons table?
It is evil. It is Satanist.
We need an exorcism, folks.
This week a theologian claimed that archaeological finds in Jordan are proof the biblical city of Sodom really existed. According to Genesis, God rained sulphur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah for their "wickedness" – completely obliterating them.
“They found massive evidence that a huge heat blast from the sky at about 25C above the horizon incinerated these twin cities on the Jordanian side of the river."
And there's this: A donor to the online sex candidate defended her: “It’s just nobody’s business. She didn’t break any laws by doing this. She had sex with her husband. I mean, my God.”
You mean correctly.