The Reporters: No, you aren't going to die

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  • Source: The Jongleur
  • 12/14/2020
Journalism from some of the best. Andrew Malcolm:: Coronavirus context: You’ll be fine, probably Contrary to hysterical impressions in current media, most of us are not threatened by death from coronavirus. The scarier something is online or TV, the more eyes and clicks it gets. The more eyes it gets, the better it is for media business. Do you know how many Americans actually die from the seasonal flu every year, with hardly any notice? In 2018, some 80,000 died in the United States, up from the usual range of 12,000 to 56,000. Do you know how many Americans have died from the latest Asian scourge that blankets the media? So far, one, maybe two. eyeChristian Jarrett: Why meeting another’s gaze is so powerful Eye contact is not always so exciting – it’s a natural part of most casual conversations, after all – but it is nearly always important. We make assumptions about people’s personalities based on how much they meet our eyes or look away when we are talking to them. And when we pass strangers in the street or some other public place, we can be left feeling rejected if they don’t make eye contact. Psychologists and neuroscientists have been studying eye contact for decades and their intriguing findings reveal much more about its power, including what our eyes give away and how eye contact changes what we think about the other person looking back at us. Daniel Greenfield: An Obama Holdover in an Obscure Government Arm Helped Cause the Country’s Coronavirus Crisis The decision to fly back infected American passengers from the Diamond Princess  helped spread the virus inside the United States. President Trump had been told that nobody with the coronavirus would be flown to America. The State Department decided to do it anyway without telling him and only made the announcement shortly after the planes landed in the United States. The official who did it: Dr. William Walters, honored by Barack Obama for evacuating Ebola patients to the United States. Sundance: President Trump Nominates John Ratcliffe for Director of National Intelligence – Ramifications… ratcliffeIn the position of DNI John Ratcliffe would have the ability to reach out into any intelligence compartment, retrieve and then declassify any/all documents that might be used to show the gross abuses of power by prior intelligence officials. [Acting DNI Ric Grenell also has that current authority.] The information within reach is the risk SSCI Chairman Senator Burr and Vice-Chair Warner have attempted to control.
Fake news is now so pervasive that it is much easier to assume everything is fake. The global warming deception is the oldest deeply entrenched fake news story because it is the product of government and deep state bureaucrats. Maurice Strong established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) through the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This is a UN agency run by bureaucrats in Geneva but made up of bureaucrats from the national weather offices of every UN member nation. They work every day using your tax dollars to deceive you.

"We live in an age in which it is no longer possible to be funny. There is nothing you can imagine, no matter how ludicrous, that will not promptly be enacted before your very eyes, probably by someone well known."
~ Malcolm Muggeridge

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