"The doors of hell are opening up!"

'The gates of hell are coming to London Monday Tuesday, batten down the hatches," one social media commenter warned.

Mentally stable people call this summer. Globalistical warmenists want to act.
Biden and his climate alarmist Democrats have falsely claimed that increasing heat waves in the U.S. caused by climate change require that new government actions will be needed to protect people from heat related illnesses with these heat waves leading to increased heat related deaths and emergency room visits. 

The Democrats alarmists claims of increasing heat waves occurring across the U.S. because of climate change are unsupported by Biden’s own EPA data which shows that the U.S. in not experiencing increased occurrences or intensity of heat waves based on EPA’s 125 years of extreme heat event trending data across the U.S. from 1895 through 2020 as shown below.

Facts don't matter to those for whom climate is a religion, but here are some more. Buck Throckmorton writes at Ace of Spades:
Every summer, there are heat waves somewhere on the globe, with “record heat” recorded in multiple locations. Along with these heat waves, the prophets of climate apocalypse warn that all these “extreme” new temperature records are proof of global warming.

He leads us through the math of high temperatures, which I won't repeat here, but basically there will always be record high temperatures somewhere. Report those and you've got your story. "Any MSM journalist reading this," he writes, "is probably already lost and unable to comprehend that “new record highs” doesn’t simply mean “hotter than it used to be."

"We live in an age in which it is no longer possible to be funny. There is nothing you can imagine, no matter how ludicrous, that will not promptly be enacted before your very eyes, probably by someone well known."
~ Malcolm Muggeridge

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