There you go: You learn something new every day. I don't know what "mu" is, unless it's the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. Apparently, /mu/ is the music board on 4chan, whatever that is.
Back to Ace. Here's a sampling of what appeared this morning. It's the "Morning Report," which is written by someone named JJ Sefton.
Good morning, kids. Friday and let me just reiterate that anyone who continues to harp on the fact that we need to "move on from the stolen election" is either a glowie, a troll, a glowie troll or has a brain function somewhere between Joe Biden and a crouton. Want to know why Kyle Rittenhouse's life has been destroyed, regardless of the verdict? Want to know why thugs are able to burn cities to the ground while shocked and outraged parents are labeled terrorists? Want to know why the Klain/Kalorama Klown Kabal don't give a rat's ass about OSHA or a court telling them to cease and desist with vaccine mandates?, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera? It's because they got away with stealing an election. Despite the illusion or the delusion of the still-clueless of regular order and business as usual, it isn't.
Everything we have endured since last January 20th is because of what the anti-American Democrat left perpetrated on us, last November with the Good Housekeeping seal of approval of the GOP and the courts. Perhaps the darkest recess of this waking nightmare is the fact that dozens of decent, ordinary American citizens are languishing as political prisoners of the Junta that stole America, guests of key gaoler and inquisitor Merrick "Moloch" Garland. Julie Kelly, who is the embodiment of actual journalism has done yeoman's work in not letting these poor souls be forgotten and bringing to light the abominable treatment that they continue to endure.
That red meat is just a warmup. JJ next turns on a firehose of links that you can spend all day in. Each has his inimitable comment.
Elsewhere on the site you'll find tech, gun, books and art threads, prayers requests and all sorts of flotsam and jetsam. You have to go there to appreciate it. And I encourage you to do that.
~ Caimbeul