Mike Bloomberg Says Taxing Poor People Will Help Them Live Longer. "There's just no question. If you raise taxes on full sugary drinks, for example, they will drink less and there's just no question that full sugar drinks are one of the major contributors to obesity and obesity is one of the major contributors to heart disease and cancer and a variety of other things."
Maybe plant-based drinks, Mike?Joe Sestak is latest Democrat to drop out of presidential race.
Maybe Bloomberg scared him out. Wait, who?BIDEN GONE WILD — Video surfaces of Joe talking about children touching his hairy legs, Joe chewing on wife’s finger. While on his new “No Malarkey” campaign blitz bus tour across Iowa, he couldn’t remember the names of any of the women he claims to be considering for Vice President. And he topped off the week by chomping on his wife’s fingers at a campaign event.
What Is Dementia? ~ WebMDClimate change is making horses fat as it's causing an abundance of grass to grow, top vet warns. Horses should be moved into bare paddocks, vets have said, because an abundance of grass caused by climate change is making them fat.
Wait til you hear what the bottom vet is saying. Science marches on. Among both men and women, unsolicited sexual advances were considered more disturbing and more discomforting when perpetrated by an unattractive opposite sex colleague than when perpetrated by an attractive opposite sex colleague: That's pretty convincing. Sadiq Khan After Terror Attack: ‘Our Strength Is Our Diversity’. “Look, I’m mayor of the greatest city in the world, and one of our strengths is our diversity,” he told reporters shortly the attack by Usman Khan, a convicted radical Islamic terrorist who had been freed from prison on a tag after serving less than half of a 16-year term, which left two dead and three injured. What was the diversity of the dead?