It's not the virus anymore, it's the
violence. Above: a 15-year-old girl being attacked in Brooklyn.
Similar to the well-known “knock out” game, violent black males began attacking random white people as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. The objective is to violently beat any random white person while a friend or ally films the brutality. It is also known as “polar bear hunting’.

Doesn't matter if you're a
young boy or an
elderly lady. Be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and you could get it.
What they're accompishing is reinforcing is the fear white people have of encountering young blacks on the sidewalk. Whether that fear was real or imagined before, it's becoming something people have ot think about. So these thugs are destroying whatever goodwill the races shared.
The liberal politcians must be aghast at another result: people are buying guns
like crazy: there's a nationwide spike in personal weapons sales. In June, the FBI checked the backgrounds of 3,931,607 potential gun buyers, according to the Bureau. In the same month, Americans bought 2,387,524 guns,
This is being fueled by leftist politicians like Mayor DeBlasio in New York, who wants to cut $1 billion from the police force and who eliminated the street crime division. He's a marxist for whom chaos is a weapon. Gun violence
exploded across the city after the NYPD disbanded its anti-crime unit of plainclothes cops on June 15, with three times as many shootings in the last two weeks of the month over the same period in 2019,
You might end up like attorney and writer David French who carries a gun and
explains why in, of all places, The Atlantic.
~ Onymous