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- An Ice-Free Arctic Could Be Only a Decade Away
- United Airlines CEO Blames Climate Change for Flight Delays
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- Biden Regime Considering a Dangerous Plan That Would BLOCK THE SUN In Order to “Rapidly” Cool the Earth
Every time I open the local rag, I’m treated to some insinuation that the earth and all its inhabitants are going to die from global cooling climate warming change. Many people today actually believe that.
The vast majority of people who actually believe that we’re all gonna die from global warming climate cooling change are indoctrinated fools. But some know that they’re lying, and they’ll continue to lie so long as it gains them power. John Kerry doesn’t actually think that the oceans are going to rise. If he believed that he’d be purchasing mountain estates instead of mansions on the French coastline. If Jeff Bezos thought that CO2 and engine emissions were killing the earth, he would give up his private jets and private yachts. Has he done so? Of course not.
The vast majority of people who actually believe that we’re all gonna die from global warming climate cooling change are indoctrinated fools. But some know that they’re lying, and they’ll continue to lie so long as it gains them power. John Kerry doesn’t actually think that the oceans are going to rise. If he believed that he’d be purchasing mountain estates instead of mansions on the French coastline. If Jeff Bezos thought that CO2 and engine emissions were killing the earth, he would give up his private jets and private yachts. Has he done so? Of course not.
Porretto refers to a project called the Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2). Here's a graph of what it found.

Don J. Easterbrookprofessor emeritus of geology at Western Washington University, comments
Temperature changes recorded in the GISP2 ice core from the Greenland Ice Shee show that the global warming experienced during the past century pales into insignificance when compared to the magnitude of profound climate reversals over the past 25,000 years. In addition, small temperature changes of up to a degree or so, similar to those observed in the 20th century record, occur persistently throughout the ancient climate record.
All that fear talk is just bosh. Ignore it. Laugh at those people.
~ Ormiston